Wednesday, November 11, 2015

What She Really Wants from Her Man- Tips Men Should Know

Most women love fairy tales and romance movies or books because they are hopeless romantics. They love stories of men defying the odds to win the woman of their dreams. They dream of their prince charming in shining armor to fall down their knees and woo them. Men should know what they want to be able to connect with them. Knowing what she really wants from her man makes it easier for men to win a woman’s heart. The following tips can be very helpful to know what women really want from their men.

Attention is what she really wants from her man. Most women want their men to focus on them. She may not say it or demand it from you in an obvious manner but women love to have your thoughts, your time and your complete attention. It is true that life is not all about love life and there are many things that can distract men such as work, friends and hobbies but despite of all these things, you have to make her feel that she is more important and you think about her even if she’s not with you. You also have to give her your 100% attention if she is with you. Send her favorite flowers or food at work or stop by her office and take her out for her lunch break once in a while. Do not look at other women especially when you are with her. It is not the things that you gave her that makes her feel special but the efforts and the attention you’ve been giving her.

What she really wants from her man is the thoughtfulness. You remember even the petty details about her that most people don’t care about. Knowing the type of movies she like, books she usually read, her shoe size, her favorite flowers, her family members’ birthdays or parents anniversaries, her daily coffee order, how she likes he egg done, etc. Remembering small details about a woman makes her feel loved. It is a sign that you really care and interested in what makes her happy. Every woman’s heart could melt with that kind of man.

What she really wants from her man is his admiration. Many women are not that confident with their looks and their personalities so what they really want from their man is the feeling that they are admired and desired. Make her feel that she is the most beautiful woman for you. But of course you have to be sincere about it and not just for the sake of making her feel good. Compliment her with her best physical features like her hair, her skin and everything you find adorable about her and even her admirable traits like her caring nature.

What she really wants from her man is his love. Women need to feel and hear that they are well-loved. Most men are not good at expressing their feelings of love and they are not vocal about it but women want their men to be expressive and vocal about their affection towards them. Love can be expressed in so many ways but she also needs to hear the words “I love you” from you so you need to be vocal with your feelings. She needs to be reminded that you are still in love with her. If you doesn’t do or say things, she will get worried that you have fallen out of love.

Relationships need to be nurtured to last and it is important that you know how to make your partner feel loved to keep the fire burning in your relationship. Keep the romance alive in your relationship.
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