Friday, April 24, 2015

Reasons Why Marriages Fail – Things Couples Should Know

All married couples are wishing for a happy and long lasting marriage but unfortunately a lot of marriages end up in divorce. The increasing divorce rate is a sad reality that you will sometimes wonder why most marriages do not last. What are the reasons why marriages fail?

There are many reasons why marriages fail but here are some of the common reasons:

Compatibility issues. You will normally hear that couples filed for divorce due to irreconcilable differences which is a proof that compatibility is very important if you want a long lasting marriage. Although no two people agree all the time, couples should find themselves compatible most of the time. Disagreement is a normal part of any marriage but constant dispute can get in the way of intimacy. Incompatibility is one of the reasons why marriages fail.

Unwilling to forgive. No one is perfect and people commit mistakes including your spouse. If you are unwilling to forgive your spouse, your marriage will eventually fall apart. Growing anger, resentment and blaming are some of the reasons why marriages fail. Harboring negative feelings and lack of forgiveness can totally damage your marriage.

Evade reality. One of the reasons why marriages fail is the avoidance of facing reality. There are couples who pretend that they are still okay and the relationship is flawless to maintain a perfect public image when in fact their marriage is unhappy and troubled. Failure to recognize and accept the issues in your marriage can make the situation worse. The first step in saving a troubled relationship is facing reality and recognizing the problems in your marriage. If couples keep pretending that the marriage is not in trouble, nothing will be solved.

Lack of commitment. People with commitment issues will find it hard to keep a long lasting relationship. Marriage is a lifetime commitment and one of the reasons why marriages fail is the lack of commitment. Devotion or dedication is important if you want to have a successful marriage and if you have commitment issues, it can be very hard to keep the marriage intact.

Unwilling to compromise. Disagreements do happen and if couples are unwilling to compromise during arguments, the marriage will eventually fall apart. It is important to know how to meet in the middle and compromise.

Lack of fun and excitement. Couples should add spice and excitement in the marriage to avoid boredom. Doing the same thing everyday can make the relationship dull and lifeless. To break the routine, couples need to get away from the norm once in a while. Lack of fun and excitement is one of the reasons why marriages fail.

If your marriage is falling apart, there are things that you can do to bring your relationship back on track. Bring back the passion, love, laughter and warmth into your life using a potent 4-step strategy, visit Win A Love Back  

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